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Sky Diving

Hobby Hub Central Ltd in London can help you to book up for all of you

Sky Diving Experience in London and the surrounding areas.

We will shortly be updating this page with a list of experiences available why not check back soon?


Sky Diving Experience

   I hope that you are not afraid of heights because this one                 is definitely not for the faint of heart hardcore                           adrenalin junkies only need apply for this one.              Experience  the almost insane thrill excitement of jumping         out of a flying aeroplane at up to 15000ft either solo

    or in tandem with another person strapped to your back

                                            as you both

        then freefall for up to two miles at speeds in excess

    of 120mph before the wind catches the sail of the chute

          and you both then relax and admire the wonderful              panoramic views all around you as you both glide slowly                        and gracefully back down to the ground.

  Test your bravery have you really got what it takes to jump       out of a flying aeroplane this one is sure going to leave

    a big smile on your face not to mention the long lasting                    memories that will stay with you for the rest

       of your life check out the list below for more details.


The Thrill Of A Lifetime

        Booking up is really easy via Hobby Hub Central Ltd           simply find an experience from our list below choose                     your listing date choose your desired location                       book up to receive your discounted entry pass

       subject to availability then get out there and enjoy

       the parachute jumping experience of your dreams

           check out our list below for even more details!

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Book Your Experience 

        What's included a full professional instructor safety                    training and briefing session for all participant's.

         Solo tandem beginner or professional sky dive and                                       parachute jumping sessions.

   Solo beginner jumpers start with a full 2 day jump course            designed to overcome your inner fear before you

      take the plunge. Day 1 learn theory on ground practice               rules an regs steering the chute sky dive techniques              landing and secondary chute deployment in case of             emergency. Day2 take to the sky for your first solo jump

    you will reach a height of 3000ft the   doors will open an

                   you will be asked to jump simple as that.

  Then relax take in the wonderful views fly like a bird if only       for a moment perform stunts tricks like a spaceman in              zero gravity before gliding slowly and gracefully back                                             down to the ground

       what are you waiting for go jump out of a plane today.


Hobby Hub Central Ltd in London can help you to book up for all of you

Sky Diving Experience in London and the surrounding areas.

We will shortly be updating this page with a list of experiences available why not check back soon?

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     Want to learn more about our      real time experiences and events?

Get in touch with Hobby Hub Central Ltd in London. Email:

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